Tampada kicked off!
The TaMPADA partners gathered together for the project’s kick-off meeting, hosted by the Derbyshire Adult Community Education Service in Chesterfield, UK on the 20thand 21st of November 2018.

The 30-months project will be developed by a consortium of five partners from five European countries (Greece, United Kingdom, Belgium, Sweden and Slovenia). At their first meeting, the partners had the chance to introduce themselves and present their organisations, discuss the project’s objectives and first semester activities, and take a very interesting tour through the premises of the Hunloke and Clay Cross Adult Community Education Centres, discussing the learning opportunities offered to adult learners and disadvantaged groups.

The project aims to develop a mechanism for tracking and monitoring long-term outcomes of disadvantaged learners’ participation in adult education. Said differently, Adult Education Providers (AEPs) could benefit from a tool that would provide them with useful data on what adult learners do once they have completed a training or a course in their institution. Do they have better job opportunities? Do they pursue further education? Do they receive better remunerations? The project aims to answer such questions and allow the benchmarking of adult education providers strategies. Three project partners are AE providers or network of AEPs.

Partners met to discuss all outputs of the project, what is their rationale, how they connect between each other and what will be the first tasks to implement them. The project activities started by the organisation of focus groups with relevant professionals (field researchers, skill providers, AE centers, associations and/or policy-makers) and some desk research on open public administration data availability in partners countries. The result of this research will be the assessment toolkit for disadvantaged learners’ lifelong and lifewide progress.

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26 February 2020

On 23rd and 24th of January 2020 the TaMPADA partners met for the third time in Maribor, Slovenia. Parners exchanged on the good practices for reaching out and engaging disadvantaged learned they collected in the Adult Education sector.

31 March 2021
PROMEA, as a strategic partner of the TAMPADA consortium, hosted an online Information day on the 23rd of March 2021 to share the results of the European project and to contribute to its dissemination.
29 March 2021

The Tampada digital assessment tool is the first project results. After being tested by partners, the tool is now available for anyone interested online.

26 February 2020
The TaMPADA Consortium is pleased to launch its new evidence collection toolkit and framework for tracking and monitoring the progress of disadvantaged learners.