Tampada Information day in Greece
PROMEA, as a strategic partner of the TAMPADA consortium, hosted an online Information day on the 23rd of March 2021 to share the results of the European project and to contribute to its dissemination.


The project “TaMPADA - Tracking and monitoring the progress of adult learners” is cofunded by the European programme Erasmus+. Since its launch in 2018, it has developed a toolkit and framework for disadvantaged learners’ lifelong as well as lifewide progress and an on-line digital tool for the assessment of lifelong and lifewide progress. All materials are freely accessible to all interested parties.

The online Information Day provided the opportunity to present the research materials and the online digital tool that were developed by the TaMPADA project, as well as present guidelines on how the participants could best use these tools.

PROMEA presented the research materials and on-line digital tool in Greek, which were the subject of a very fruitful discussion. Amongst the participants were representatives from Adult Education and Lifelong Learning agencies and organizations, Vocational Education and Training (VET) providers, trainees and graduates of Adult Education and Lifelong Learning from socially vulnerable groups, as well as various stakeholders interested in implementing the outputs of the TaMPADA for the needs of their own audience.

During the Information day, along with the presentation of the on-line digital digital tool, there was an open discussion on the following topics:

  • Good Practices from the Lifelong Learning Programmes in the Municipality of Pallini [Eleni Konstantinou, Head of the Department of Education, Lifelong Learning, Culture and Sports Municipality of Pallini]
  • The role of the Educator of Adult Education Programmes in Socially Vulnerable Groups [Nikolaos Pappas, Clinical Social Officer, Adult Educator M.Ed.]
  • The role of Education in Detention Facilities [Pepi Orfanaki, Post-Doctoral Coordinator, Prisoner Education Consultant at the Korydallos Prison]


26 February 2020
The TaMPADA Consortium is pleased to launch its new evidence collection toolkit and framework for tracking and monitoring the progress of disadvantaged learners.
27 May 2021
On the 25th of March 2021, LLLP project team organised the final conference of the Tampada project at European level on “Wider benefits of learning: Why and How to measure them” (agenda of the conference).
20 April 2021
The two last publications from the TaMPADA project are now out: the report from the pilot implementation of the digital assessment tool as well as the policy recommendations paper.
03 December 2018
The TaMPADA partners gathered together for the project’s kick-off meeting, hosted by the Derbyshire Adult Community Education Service in Chesterfield, UK on the 20thand 21st of November 2018.