Launch of the TaMPADA evidence collection toolkit and framework
The TaMPADA Consortium is pleased to launch its new evidence collection toolkit and framework for tracking and monitoring the progress of disadvantaged learners.


This is designed to be of great use to adult education training providers in showing evidence of quality design, implementation and impact of adult education. The TaMPADA tool can be integrated into quality assurance processes that enable providers to best meet the needs of disadvantaged learners.

The Toolkit (22 pages) is accompanied by 14 Appendices (templates to collect the information)

The TaMPADA tool has been developed following extensive research by partners in the following areas:

  1. Existing tracking and monitoring systems within adult education systems across Europe – through desk-based research and focus group activity with experts in the sector
  2. Focus group and desk-based research into the impact and advantages of participating in adult education, beyond accreditation, that are of particular relevance to disadvantaged and harder to reach learners: ‘soft skills’ and broader social and well-being outcomes
  3. Focus groups held with disadvantaged learners themselves to ensure that the design and content of the framework and Capturetool best meets their needs and would be of most advantage to them to use

The TaMPADA Evidence collection toolkit and framework comprises:

  • A comprehensive outcomes index – against which the provider can plan and the learner can self-assess
  • A framework for planning tailored programmes designed to meet the needs of the disadvantaged learners, supporting adult education providers to use to collect and assess learner data throughout and beyond their learning, including post-course progress tracking and destination monitoring.

    Download here the Toolkit (English)


The Toolkit is now also available in Slovenian, Swedish, Greek and French!

The Consortium is excited to be working towards a Manual of recommendations to enable inter-institutional working to better meet the needs of, and track the progress of, disadvantaged learners. This will be launched later this year.



20 April 2021
The two last publications from the TaMPADA project are now out: the report from the pilot implementation of the digital assessment tool as well as the policy recommendations paper.
31 March 2021
PROMEA, as a strategic partner of the TAMPADA consortium, hosted an online Information day on the 23rd of March 2021 to share the results of the European project and to contribute to its dissemination.
29 March 2021

The Tampada digital assessment tool is the first project results. After being tested by partners, the tool is now available for anyone interested online.

27 May 2021
On the 25th of March 2021, LLLP project team organised the final conference of the Tampada project at European level on “Wider benefits of learning: Why and How to measure them” (agenda of the conference).