3rd partner meeting in Maribor, Slovenia

On 23rd and 24th of January 2020 the TaMPADA partners met for the third time in Maribor, Slovenia. Parners exchanged on the good practices for reaching out and engaging disadvantaged learned they collected in the Adult Education sector.


The partner meeting marked the halfway point of the project lifespan with tasks and activities related to the second output "Outreach tracking and monitoring framework for disadvantaged learners’ lifelong and life wide progress" (O2) well under way. It was very interesting to observe and compare the existing tracking and monitoring mechanisms and intermediaries of all participating countries (Slovenia, UK, Greece, Sweden, Belgium and at European level) including the collected best practice examples.

Partners also agreed on operational framework for inter-institutional synergies which will, with other outcomes and results, be presented in the Manual for evaluating lifelong and lifewide progress of disadvantaged adult education learners (O3) through the establishment of inter-institutional and multi-level synergies between adult education centers and other stakeholders. The Manual will support AE providers to better engage hard-to-reach disadvantaged individuals in the data collection process and to better monitor and assess their key competences and learning progress.

At the partner meeting, time was spent also on discussing the third output of the project, the "Digital lifelong and life-wide assessment tool" (O3). The tool will enable adult education providers to collect data on lifewide and lifelong progress of learners as well as to provide insights on the indicators measuring long-term outcomes.

Preliminary thoughts were exchanged on the fourth and last project output, the "Survey report and policy recommendations" which will test the "Toolkit for adult education providers" (O1) developed at the beginning of the project, in additions to create and sustain a network of adult education providers, disseminate pilot test results and communicate the mechanism in the field of policy.

Before making plans for the next meeting in Uppsala, Sweden (June 2020), the partners dedicated some time to observe the premises of Maribor Adult Education Centre and participate in the discussion with NEETs, and representatives of one of the disadvantaged groups of participants that benefit from AZ Maribor’s programmes.


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26 February 2020
The TaMPADA Consortium is pleased to launch its new evidence collection toolkit and framework for tracking and monitoring the progress of disadvantaged learners.
29 March 2021

The Tampada digital assessment tool is the first project results. After being tested by partners, the tool is now available for anyone interested online.

20 April 2021
The two last publications from the TaMPADA project are now out: the report from the pilot implementation of the digital assessment tool as well as the policy recommendations paper.
03 December 2018
The TaMPADA partners gathered together for the project’s kick-off meeting, hosted by the Derbyshire Adult Community Education Service in Chesterfield, UK on the 20thand 21st of November 2018.